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Akshat and his Secret Fighting Lessons

Akshat taught his son secret fighting moves.

Strong and kind father with black hair teaching his Brave and determined son with brown eyes martial arts

Son asked, 'Dad, why do we need to fight?'

Son asking his father about the importance of fighting

Akshat said, 'We only fight to protect others.'

Strong and kind father with black hair explaining the purpose of fighting to his Brave and determined son with brown eyes

Son practiced fighting with his dad every day.

Son and Strong and kind father with black hair practicing martial arts together

One evening, they heard a call for help.

Strong and kind father with black hair and his Brave and determined son with brown eyes hearing someone in distress

They rushed to find a bully picking on a smaller boy.

Strong and kind father with black hair and his Brave and determined son with brown eyes confronting a bully

Son remembered his training and stood up to the bully.

Son bravely using his martial arts skills

The bully was surprised and backed off immediately.

Bully realizing the Brave and determined son with brown eyes's strength and retreating

Akshat and his son became heroes in their neighborhood.

Strong and kind father with black hair and his Brave and determined son with brown eyes celebrated as local heroes

They always fought for what was right and protected others.

Strong and kind father with black hair and his Brave and determined son with brown eyes advocating for justice and protection

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Akshat teach his son fighting moves?
  • What did the son learn from his father?
  • How did Akshat and his son become heroes?

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