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Aladdin and the Monster

Aladdin loved his son more than anything.

Brave, kind-hearted man with a turban, vest, and sword and his son smiling and hugging

One day, a scary monster appeared in their village.

A huge, black and purple monster roaring

The monster wanted to take all the children away.

The monster reaching out towards a group of scared girlren

Aladdin couldn't let that happen to his son.

Brave, kind-hearted man with a turban, vest, and sword determined and ready to fight the monster

He went on a journey to find a magical sword.

Brave, kind-hearted man with a turban, vest, and sword walking through a mystical forest

With the sword in hand, he returned to the village.

Brave, kind-hearted man with a turban, vest, and sword holding the glowing sword triumphantly

Aladdin bravely challenged the monster to a duel.

A fierce battle between Brave, kind-hearted man with a turban, vest, and sword and the monster

He fought with all his strength and defeated the monster.

Brave, kind-hearted man with a turban, vest, and sword standing proud and victorious

The village celebrated Aladdin as a hero.

Everyone cheering and clapping for Brave, kind-hearted man with a turban, vest, and sword

Aladdin and his son lived happily ever after.

Brave, kind-hearted man with a turban, vest, and sword and his son hugging and smiling in their home

Reflection Questions

  • How did Aladdin feel about his son?
  • What did Aladdin do when the monster appeared?
  • How did Aladdin defeat the monster?

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