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Alex and his Dog Miki Save the Day

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Alex. He had a brown-haired dog named Miki. They lived in a small town called Sunnyville.

A picture of Alex is a boy with brown hair He has blue eyes and Miki is a brown-haired dog He has brown eyes standing outside their house in Sunnyville.

One sunny day, Alex and Miki heard a loud noise coming from the town square. They quickly ran towards the noise to see what was happening.

A picture of Alex is a boy with brown hair He has blue eyes and Miki is a brown-haired dog He has brown eyes running towards the town square.

When they arrived, they saw that the town's ice cream truck had broken down! The ice cream man was very sad because he couldn't sell any ice cream.

A picture of the broken ice cream truck and the sad ice cream man.

Alex had an idea! He told Miki to pull the ice cream truck with a rope while he steered it. Miki was a strong dog, so they were able to move the truck.

A picture of Alex is a boy with brown hair He has blue eyes and Miki is a brown-haired dog He has brown eyes pulling the ice cream truck with a rope.

Together, Alex and Miki saved the day! The ice cream man was happy again and started selling lots of delicious ice cream to everyone in Sunnyville.

A picture of Alex is a boy with brown hair He has blue eyes, Miki is a brown-haired dog He has brown eyes, and the ice cream man smiling and serving ice cream to people.

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