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Alex and the Airplane Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a curious young boy named Alex.

Curious little boy with messy brown hair and glasses looking at a toy airplane with wonder

Alex wanted to know how airplanes fly and every tiny detail about it.

Curious little boy with messy brown hair and glasses pointing at a picture of an airplane

He decided to visit the famous inventors, the Wright brothers, to learn more.

Curious little boy with messy brown hair and glasses at the door of the Two brothers with hats, goggles, and beards' workshop

The Wright brothers were thrilled to see Alex's curiosity and showed him their airplane workshop.

The Two brothers with hats, goggles, and beards smiling and showing Curious little boy with messy brown hair and glasses their airplane on back  workshop

They explained every detail and even showed him drawings on how an airplane moves from the ground to the sky.

The Two brothers with hats, goggles, and beards explaining and showing drawings to Curious little boy with messy brown hair and glasses

Alex was overjoyed and felt inspired to become an airplane inventor himself.

Curious little boy with messy brown hair and glasses with a big smile and imagining himself as an inventor

Years later, after studying and learning everything about airplanes, Alex became a famous and successful airplane inventor.

Curious little boy with messy brown hair and glasses standing next to his own airplane invention

He created many different types of airplanes that amazed people all over the world.

Curious little boy with messy brown hair and glasses's airplanes flying high in the sky

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Alex curious about airplanes?
  • What did the Wright brothers show and explain to Alex?
  • How did Alex feel after visiting the Wright brothers?

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