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Alex's Coding Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a curious young kid named Alex. Alex loved coding and wanted to learn more about it.

Alex sitting at a computer, with a thought bubble showing coding symbols

Alex asked his parents if they could get him a computer so he could start learning how to code. His parents agreed and bought him a brand new computer.

Alex holding a new computer with a big smile on his face

Alex started by learning the basics of coding. He learned that coding is like giving instructions to a computer. The computer follows those instructions to do cool things.

Alex with a computer, pointing at a screen with coding symbols

One day, Alex wanted to create a program that would turn on and off a light bulb. He thought it would be fun to have control over the light. So, he started coding.

Alex with a light bulb and a computer, thinking about how to code it

Alex used a special device called a MicroLogix PLC with Ethernet capabilities. This device helps control things like light bulbs using code.

Alex holding a MicroLogix PLC with Ethernet capabilities

Alex connected the PLC to his computer and started writing the code. He told the computer to turn on the light bulb for a few seconds and then turn it off.

Alex typing on a computer with the PLC connected, a light bulb turning on and off

When Alex ran the code, something magical happened! The light bulb turned on, stayed on for a few seconds, and then turned off. Alex was amazed!

Alex with a big smile, pointing at the light bulb that turned on

From that day on, Alex continued to explore coding and learn new things. He created more programs to control different devices like fans, doors, and even robots!

Alex surrounded by different devices like a fan, a door, and a robot

Alex's love for coding grew even more, and he knew that one day, he would become a great programmer and create amazing things with his skills.

Alex looking determined, with a thought bubble showing amazing things he could create

The end.

Alex waving goodbye with a big smile

Reflection Questions

  • 1. How did Alex start learning about coding?
  • 2. What device did Alex use to control the light bulb?
  • 3. What other devices did Alex create programs to control?

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