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Alex's First Day of School

Once upon a time, in a little town, there was a boy named Alex. He was very excited because today was his first day of school.

A little boy with short brown hair and a friendly smile, wearing a red backpack. walking to school with backpack and smile

With his backpack on and a big smile, Alex walked to the school. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing in the sky. He felt a bit nervous but mostly happy.

A little boy with short brown hair and a friendly smile, wearing a red backpack. reaching the school with other girls and parents waiting

When he reached the school, he saw other kids waiting with their parents. Some looked excited like him, and some looked a bit shy. Alex's mom hugged him and said, "Have a great day, Alex. You'll make new friends and learn many things."

A little boy with short brown hair and a friendly smile, wearing a red backpack. hugging his mom goodbye, other girls looking excited

As the school bell rang, the teacher opened the door, and all the children walked inside. The classroom was colorful with pictures on the walls and small desks in rows.

The teacher opening the door to the classroom

Alex found a desk near the window and sat down. The teacher, Ms. Johnson, smiled warmly and welcomed everyone. She introduced them to fun activities like drawing, reading, and counting.

A little boy with short brown hair and a friendly smile, wearing a red backpack. sitting at his desk near the window, teacher smiling

During recess, Alex played with a new friend named Emma. They ran on the playground, laughed, and swung on the swings.

A little boy with short brown hair and a friendly smile, wearing a red backpack. and A girl with long blonde hair and a purple dress, always ready to play. playing on the playground

Reflection Questions

  • How did Alex feel on his first day of school?
  • Who did Alex make friends with?
  • What activities did Alex and Emma enjoy during recess?

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