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Alex Learns the Alphabet

Once upon a time, in a colorful world, Alex the adventurous cat was eager to learn the alphabet. He asked his friend, Eddie the elephant, for help.

A curious and colorful cat with a mischievous smile and A friendly and wise elephant with a kind heart surrounded by books, vibrant colors, sunny day

Eddie showed Alex a big, blue book and said, 'A is for Apple. B is for Ball. C is for Cat!' Alex meowed with delight.

A friendly and wise elephant with a kind heart and A curious and colorful cat with a mischievous smile pointing at pictures in the book, bright colors

Next, they turned the page to D. Eddie exclaimed, 'D is for Dinosaur!' Alex's eyes widened in amazement as he imagined a giant dinosaur stomping through the pages.

A curious and colorful cat with a mischievous smile and A friendly and wise elephant with a kind heart with wide eyes, colorful dinosaur illustrations

As they reached the letter Z, Eddie said, 'Z is for Zebra! Can you see the black and white stripes, Alex?' 'Yes,' replied Alex enthusiastically. 'I want to be as colorful as a zebra!'

A curious and colorful cat with a mischievous smile and A friendly and wise elephant with a kind heart surrounded by zebras, black and white stripes

With their alphabet adventure coming to an end, Alex thanked Eddie for teaching him. They hugged goodbye and Alex ran home, excited to practice his ABCs.

A curious and colorful cat with a mischievous smile and A friendly and wise elephant with a kind heart sharing a hug, vibrant sunset sky

Reflection Questions

  • What did Alex learn about the alphabet?
  • Who helped Alex on his alphabet adventure?
  • What did Alex want to be as colorful as?

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