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Alfred's Mission to Cat Planet
Alfred'in Cat Planet Görevi
Alfred is a cat who goes to space in Alfred for his mission. Alfred, Alfred'de görevi için uzaya giden bir kedidir.
Alfred sitting in a spaceship with stars around
Alfred is a special cat because he turns into a huge lion when he gets angry. Alfred özel bir kedi çünkü sinirlendiğinde kocaman bir aslana dönüşüyor.
Alfred turning into a giant lion with a big mane
Alfred is a brave soldier who is commissioned to be the savior of the cat planet. Alfred, kedi gezegeninin kurtarıcısı olarak görevlendirilen cesur bir askerdir.
Alfred wearing a soldier uniform and holding a sword
But Alfred has a problem. He is far from home and misses his family. Ancak Alfred'in bir sorunu vardır. Evinden uzakta ve ailesini özlüyor.
Alfred sitting alone in a spaceship, looking sad
Alfred knows he has a responsibility to save the cat planet, so he continues his mission. Alfred, kedi gezegenini kurtarma sorumluluğu olduğunu biliyor ve bu yüzden görevine devam ediyor.
Alfred determined with a serious expression
On his way to the cat planet, Alfred encounters friendly aliens who help him. Kedi gezegenine giden Alfred, kendisine yardım eden dost uzaylılarla karşılaşır.
Alfred meeting colorful and friendly aliens with big smiles
With their help, Alfred defeats the evil aliens and saves the cat planet. Alfred, onların yardımıyla kötü uzaylıları yener ve kedi gezegenini kurtarır.
Alfred fighting evil aliens and the cat planet celebrating
After his mission, Alfred's spaceship takes him back home to his family. Alfred'in uzay gemisi, görevinden sonra onu evine, ailesinin yanına götürür.
Alfred reunited with his family, hugging and smiling
Alfred learns that even though he had a big responsibility, his family will always be there for him. Alfred, büyük bir sorumluluğu olmasına rağmen ailesinin her zaman yanında olacağını öğrenir.
Alfred surrounded by his family, feeling loved and happy
Alfred realizes that being responsible doesn't mean he has to do everything alone. Alfred, sorumlu olmanın her şeyi tek başına yapması gerektiği anlamına gelmediğini fark eder.
Alfred with his family and friends, understanding the importance of teamwork

Reflection Questions

  • How does Alfred become a strong lion?
  • What is Alfred's mission?
  • What does Alfred learn about responsibility?

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