Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a poor woodcutter named Ali Baba. One day, while cutting wood in a dense forest, he overheard a secret password. 'Open Sesame!' Ali Baba repeated it and a huge rock magically moved, revealing a hidden cave full of treasure. Little did he know, this was the secret hideout of the notorious 40 thieves.
Ali Baba decided to take a small bag of gold back home to his wife. Excitement filled their humble house as they discovered the treasure. Ali Baba shared the secret with his wife and it became their little secret. Every night, he would say 'Open Sesame!' and share some more gold with his family.
One of the 40 thieves grew suspicious when he noticed someone had been inside their cave. Determined to find the intruder, he followed Ali Baba home while disguised as a beggar. He discovered Ali Baba's secret and reported back to his leader, the ruthless thief chief.
The ruthless thief chief planned to take revenge on Ali Baba. He and his gang disguised themselves as merchants and visited the village. Ali Baba's clever sister, Morgiana, sensed something was wrong. She poured boiling oil into the jars of the fake oil merchants. The thieves who screamed in pain blew their cover.
Because of Morgiana's bravery, the thieves were arrested, and the village was safe. Ali Baba and his family lived happily ever after with the treasure he discovered. They used the gold wisely, helping the poor and making their village a better place.
Reflection Questions