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Alien and Baby: The Friendship Adventure

Once upon a time, in a faraway galaxy, an alien named Zorka visited Earth.

Alien Green alien with big blue eyes and sparkly spaceship flying towards planet Earth in spaceship

Zorka's mission was to make Earth habitable for aliens like herself.

Green alien with big blue eyes and sparkly spaceship using special alien technology to grow plants on Earth

While exploring Earth, Zorka encountered a human baby named Lily.

Alien Green alien with big blue eyes and sparkly spaceship and baby Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with infectious laugh giggling together in a field of flowers

Lily was only six years old and had the most infectious laugh.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with infectious laugh with golden curls and a bright pink dress

Zorka was fascinated by Lily's kindness and curiosity about the universe.

Green alien with big blue eyes and sparkly spaceship with green skin and big sparkling blue eyes

Zorka decided to change her mission and make Earth a home for both aliens and humans.

Green alien with big blue eyes and sparkly spaceship and Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with infectious laugh hugging each other surrounded by a rainbow

Zorka used her alien powers to create a magical garden for Lily to explore.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with infectious laugh and Green alien with big blue eyes and sparkly spaceship walking hand in hand through a garden with colorful alien flowers

They played games, went on adventures, and learned from each other.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with infectious laugh and Green alien with big blue eyes and sparkly spaceship building a sandcastle and laughing together

Lily taught Zorka about friendship and how to appreciate the beauty of Earth.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with infectious laugh and Green alien with big blue eyes and sparkly spaceship sitting under a tree, sharing stories and smiles

Zorka and Lily's friendship made Earth a magical place for everyone.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with infectious laugh and Green alien with big blue eyes and sparkly spaceship flying in the sky, surrounded by happy girlren and aliens

Reflection Questions

  • What was Zorka's original mission on Earth?
  • How did Lily and Zorka change their plans?
  • What did Lily teach Zorka?

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