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Aliya and Kayla's Hawaiian Adventure

Aliya and Kayla were very excited because they were going on a holiday to Hawaii with their mummy and daddy. They packed their bags with colorful swimsuits, sunscreen, and their favorite toys. The airplane ride was long, but Aliya and Kayla watched movies and played games to pass the time.

Aliya has long black hair and wears a pink swimsuit and Kayla has curly brown hair and wears a yellow swimsuit pack colorful bags for their Hawaiian vacation

When they arrived in Hawaii, the warm sun welcomed them. Their hotel had a big swimming pool and a beautiful beach nearby. Aliya and Kayla jumped into the pool and splashed around, laughing and having fun. Daddy built sandcastles with them on the beach.

Aliya has long black hair and wears a pink swimsuit and Kayla has curly brown hair and wears a yellow swimsuit play in the swimming pool and build sandcastles

One day, they went on a boat ride to see dolphins swimming in the sparkling blue ocean. Aliya and Kayla squealed with delight as they watched the dolphins do flips and jump out of the water. They even got to pet a friendly dolphin!

Aliya has long black hair and wears a pink swimsuit and Kayla has curly brown hair and wears a yellow swimsuit go on a boat ride and see dolphins

At night, Aliya and Kayla sat on the beach and watched a beautiful sunset. The sky turned shades of pink, purple, and orange. They made wishes as they saw a shooting star. It was a magical moment that they would never forget.

Aliya has long black hair and wears a pink swimsuit and Kayla has curly brown hair and wears a yellow swimsuit watch a beautiful sunset on the beach

After a fun-filled week, it was time to say goodbye to Hawaii. Aliya and Kayla felt a little sad, but they were also excited to go home and tell their friends about their amazing adventure. They waved goodbye to the ocean and promised to come back one day.

Aliya has long black hair and wears a pink swimsuit and Kayla has curly brown hair and wears a yellow swimsuit say goodbye to Hawaii

Reflection Questions

  • What did Aliya and Kayla do on the beach?
  • How did Aliya and Kayla feel when they had to say goodbye to Hawaii?
  • Why was the boat ride special for Aliya and Kayla?

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