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Allie and the Roaring Dinosaurs

Allie lay in bed, but the loud roars of dinosaurs kept her awake.

Red-haired girl in warrior outfit, determined and confident in bed, covering her ears, Colorful and friendly, various shapes and sizes roaring

Allie decided to be brave and find a way to stop the roars.

Red-haired girl in warrior outfit, determined and confident standing tall, determined expression, Colorful and friendly, various shapes and sizes in the background

She put on her warrior outfit and grabbed her trusty rope.

Red-haired girl in warrior outfit, determined and confident wearing warrior outfit, holding rope, ready to go

Allie went into the jungle where the dinosaurs roamed.

Red-haired girl in warrior outfit, determined and confident in the jungle, looking around, Colorful and friendly, various shapes and sizes hiding behind trees

She sang a calming song and the dinosaurs started to listen.

Red-haired girl in warrior outfit, determined and confident singing, smiling, Colorful and friendly, various shapes and sizes looking curious and calm

One by one, Allie tamed the dinosaurs with her confident words.

Red-haired girl in warrior outfit, determined and confident with Colorful and friendly, various shapes and sizes following her, proud and strong

The roars turned into purrs and Allie could finally sleep.

Red-haired girl in warrior outfit, determined and confident in bed, sleeping peacefully, Colorful and friendly, various shapes and sizes watching over her

With bravery and confidence, Allie became the Dinosaur Warrior.

Red-haired girl in warrior outfit, determined and confident posing confidently, wearing warrior outfit, Colorful and friendly, various shapes and sizes roaring in excitement

Reflection Questions

  • How did Allie feel when the dinosaurs kept her awake?
  • What did Allie do to stop the roars of the dinosaurs?
  • How did Allie become the Dinosaur Warrior?

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