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Allie the Dinosaur Eats Sharks for Dinner

Allie the dinosaur lived happily in the ocean.

Green dinosaur with sharp teeth and a friendly face swimming in the ocean

But she had a problem: she was always hungry.

Allie looking sad with an empty stomach

One day, Allie saw a shark swimming nearby.

Allie spying a shark with excitement

She thought to herself, 'Maybe sharks taste good!'

Allie thinking about eating a shark

So, Allie chased the shark and caught it.

Allie catching the shark with her teeth

But the shark was too big to eat in one bite.

Allie struggling to eat the big shark

Allie had to figure out how to eat the shark.

Allie thinking of a plan to eat the shark

She decided to bite off small pieces and enjoy them.

Allie happily eating small pieces of the shark

Reflection Questions

  • How did Allie solve her problem of being hungry?
  • Was Allie able to eat the shark all at once?
  • What would you do if you were hungry like Allie?

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