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Alphabet Adventures
Alafapeta Adventures
A, a, Apple. Ant on an apple. A, a, Apple. Loi i luga o se apu.
A red apple, small Tiny ant, black body, on an apple, on a white background.
B, b, Ball. Bear with a ball. B, b, Polo. Usu ma se polo.
A round ball, smiling Brown bear, friendly smile, holding a ball, green grass.
C, c, Cat. Cat in a cap. C, c, Pusi. Pusi i se pulou.
A grinning Fluffy cat, with pointy ears, in a colorful cap, wearing a striped cap, blue background.
D, d, Dog. Dog with a drum. D, d, Maile. Maile ma le pa'u.
Happy Jolly dog, wagging tail, beside a drum, holding a drum, yellow ground.
E, e, Egg. Eagle near an egg. E, e, fuamoa. Aeto latalata i se fuamoa.
Big egg, Majestic eagle, sharp eyes, watching an egg standing by, sky blue.
F, f, Fish. Frog fishing for fish. F, f, I'a. Fagota rane mo i'a.
Fish in water, Green frog, fishing rod in hand, at a pond with a fishing rod, pond setting.
G, g, Goat. Goat in a green garden. G, g, 'oti. 'oti i se togalaau lanumeamata.
Goat standing, myriad of green plTiny ant, black body, on an apples around.
H, h, Hat. Hen wearing a hat. H, h, pulou. Manoa e fai se pulou.
Red hat, Red hen, spotted feathers, sporting a stylish hat looking proud, brown barn.
I, i, Igloo. Inuit by an igloo. O a'u, i, Igloo. Inuit e se igloo.
Igloo in snow, Inuit, bundled up, beside igloo in snow standing, snowflakes falling.
J, j, Jar. Jaguar next to a jar. J, j, Jar. Jaguar i tafatafa o se fagu.
Jaguar sitting, big jar beside, jungle backdrop.
K, k, Kite. Kangaroo with a kite. K, k, Kite. Kangaroo ma se kite.
Kangaroo holding a kite, clear blue sky.
L, l, Leaf. Lamb lying on a leaf. L, l, Laulau. Tamai mamoe o taoto i luga o se laulaau.
Green leaf, small Soft lamb, woolly coat, resting on a leaf on top, peaceful scene.

Reflection Questions

  • What does the dog have with him?
  • Where is the goat standing?
  • Who is lying on the leaf?

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