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Amir's Curiosity and Kindness

A curious young boy stands in a bustling marketplace, eyeing colorful toys and sweets with fascination.

Boy in marketplace, colorful toys, sweets, fascinated

In the peaceful setting of a mosque, Amir prays with sincerity, asking Allah for guidance and a kind heart.

Curious boy, brown hair, bright clothes, infectious smile in mosque, praying,

Amir shares his favorite toys and treats with his friends, all smiles as they play together in a park.

Curious boy, brown hair, bright clothes, infectious smile with friends, sharing toys, treats, playing, smiles

At a grand family dinner, a table is laden with delicious dishes, and Amir's eyes widen with desire.

Family dinner, delicious dishes, Curious boy, brown hair, bright clothes, infectious smile desires

Amir sits with his wise grandmother, who lovingly imparts valuable life lessons about selflessness and gratitude.

Curious boy, brown hair, bright clothes, infectious smile with grandmother, wise, life lessons, selflessness, gratitude

Reflection Questions

  • What does Amir learn from his grandmother?
  • Why does Amir share his toys and treats with his friends?
  • What does Amir ask for when he prays at the mosque?

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