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Amit's Most Memorable Birthday Celebration

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Amit. He had a girlfriend named Ayza Gosimat, who later became his wife. Amit loved Ayza with all his heart and wanted to make her feel special on her birthday. They had planned a surprise party for her in their beautiful garden. Amit decorated the garden with colorful balloons, streamers, and fairy lights. There were also delicious cupcakes, a yummy birthday cake, and Ayza's favorite flowers everywhere.

Amit - A kind-hearted boy with black hair, brown eyes, and a big smile and Ayza in their beautiful garden, surrounded by colorful decorations, balloons, flowers, and tasty treats

When it was time for Ayza to arrive, all of their friends and family hid behind the bushes, eagerly waiting to shout 'Surprise!' Amit was filled with excitement, for he knew that this would be the most memorable birthday celebration for Ayza. He couldn't wait to see the happiness on her face.

Amit - A kind-hearted boy with black hair, brown eyes, and a big smile, filled with excitement, surrounded by friends and family hiding behind the bushes

As Ayza stepped into the garden, everyone jumped out and shouted, 'Surprise!' Ayza was truly surprised and couldn't believe her eyes. She felt so loved and special. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she hugged Amit tightly. They danced, laughed, and made beautiful memories together. Amit had planned games and activities for everyone to enjoy. They played musical chairs, had a treasure hunt, and took silly pictures in a photo booth. Ayza felt overwhelmed by the love and effort Amit had put into making her birthday so incredible.

Ayza surrounded by friends and family, jumping with surprise as they shout, 'Surprise!', everyone laughing and having fun

The party continued late into the night, and Ayza couldn't stop smiling. She felt so grateful to have Amit in her life. As the night came to an end, Ayza thanked Amit for such a wonderful birthday celebration. She felt cherished and loved. Amit whispered in her ear, 'Every day with you is a celebration, my love.' They held hands and looked up at the stars, knowing that their love would always shine bright.

Ayza and Amit - A kind-hearted boy with black hair, brown eyes, and a big smile holding hands, looking up at the stars, feeling grateful and loved

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Ayza felt when she saw the surprise party?
  • Why do you think Amit planned games and activities for everyone?
  • What do you think Ayza meant when she said, 'Every day with you is a celebration'?

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