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Ammu's First Trip to the Dentist

Ammu woke up feeling a strange pain in her tooth. She touched it with her tongue and it hurt a lot. 'Oh no!' she thought. 'I have a toothache!'

Ammu is a school girl with curly brown hair and bright, curious eyes. holding her cheek with a worried expression

Ammu's mom noticed her discomfort and said, 'We need to take you to the dentist. They will help make your tooth feel better.' Ammu felt scared but nodded in agreement.

Ammu is a school girl with curly brown hair and bright, curious eyes. and her mom talking while holding hands

At the dentist's office, Ammu saw a big chair with a bright light hanging over it. She heard the sound of whirring machines. The dentist, Dr. Smiley, greeted her with a kind smile and said, 'Don't worry, Ammu. We'll fix your tooth in no time.'

Ammu is a school girl with curly brown hair and bright, curious eyes. looking at the dentist's chair with wide eyes

Dr. Smiley gently examined Ammu's tooth. Ammu felt nervous as she opened her mouth wide. But she remembered how her teacher always told her to be confident. So she took a deep breath and let Dr. Smiley do her work.

Ammu is a school girl with curly brown hair and bright, curious eyes. keeping her mouth open bravely

As the dentist worked, Ammu realized that it didn't hurt as much as she thought it would. Dr. Smiley praised Ammu for being so brave. Ammu couldn't help but smile, feeling proud of herself.

Ammu is a school girl with curly brown hair and bright, curious eyes. smiling at the dentist

After a while, Dr. Smiley finished fixing Ammu's tooth. She showed Ammu a shiny mirror and said, 'Look, Ammu! Your tooth is as good as new!' Ammu grinned with relief and thanked Dr. Smiley.

Ammu is a school girl with curly brown hair and bright, curious eyes. looking at her tooth in the mirror with a happy expression

Ammu walked out of the dentist's office feeling happy and confident. She realized that sometimes things may seem scary, but if she stays brave and confident, she can overcome anything. From that day on, Ammu never feared going to the dentist again.

Ammu is a school girl with curly brown hair and bright, curious eyes. skipping happily outside the dentist's office

Remember, it's important to be confident even when facing new experiences. Ammu showed great confidence at the dentist's office, and you can too! Believe in yourself!

Ammu is a school girl with curly brown hair and bright, curious eyes. giving a thumbs up with a confident smile

Reflection Questions

  • How did Ammu know she had a toothache?
  • Why was Ammu scared to visit the dentist?
  • What did Ammu learn from her visit to the dentist?

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