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An Apple Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a magical apple.

A shiny apple on a tree branch

This apple was special because it could talk!

An apple with a smiling face

One day, a little girl named Lily found the talking apple.

Lily with surprised expression holding the apple

The apple told Lily that it wanted to go on an adventure.

Apple and Lily holding hands, ready to go

Lily and the apple traveled to a magical forest.

Colorful forest with talking animals

They met a talking squirrel who helped them find their way.

Squirrel pointing towards a path

Next, they came across a wise owl who gave them advice.

Owl with glasses and a serious expression

After many exciting adventures, they reached a beautiful waterfall.

Crystal clear waterfall with rainbow colors

Lily and the apple splashed and played in the water.

Lily and the apple jumping in the water, laughing

Finally, it was time to go back home. Lily thanked the apple for the amazing adventure.

A happy Lily hugging the apple goodbye

Reflection Questions

  • What made the apple special?
  • Who did Lily meet in the magical forest?
  • How did Lily feel at the end of the adventure?

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