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Ana's Heroic Rescue

Ana and Mary went to the swimming pool.

Brown-haired girl in a pink swimsuit and Blonde girl in a blue swimsuit at the swimming pool

Ana jumped into the deep end, but Mary panicked.

Brown-haired girl in a pink swimsuit jumping in, Blonde girl in a blue swimsuit looking worried

Mary thrashed in the water, struggling to stay up.

Blonde girl in a blue swimsuit struggling in the water

Ana remembered her swim lessons and swam to Mary.

Brown-haired girl in a pink swimsuit swimming towards Blonde girl in a blue swimsuit

She grabbed Mary's hand and pulled her to safety.

Brown-haired girl in a pink swimsuit pulling Blonde girl in a blue swimsuit out of the water

Everyone cheered for Ana's bravery and quick thinking.

People clapping and cheering for Brown-haired girl in a pink swimsuit

Mary thanked Ana for saving her life.

Blonde girl in a blue swimsuit thanking Brown-haired girl in a pink swimsuit with a big smile

From that day on, they were inseparable best friends.

Brown-haired girl in a pink swimsuit and Blonde girl in a blue swimsuit holding hands, smiling

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