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Ana Júlia's Adventure

My name is Ana Júlia and I love studying!

Curly haired girl with glasses and a backpack smiling with books and pencils

I have a loving family who cares about me.

Curly haired girl with glasses and a backpack with her family hugging

In 6th grade, there are many changes and lots of homework!

Curly haired girl with glasses and a backpack sitting at a desk with homework piled up

Studying is fun, and my mother says I'm smart.

Curly haired girl with glasses and a backpack with a thought bubble of her being a scientist

My teachers are busy, but they want us to learn.

Curly haired girl with glasses and a backpack raising her hand in class while teacher smiles

Education is important for a great future!

Curly haired girl with glasses and a backpack looking into a bright future

I love reading, drawing, and learning new things.

Curly haired girl with glasses and a backpack surrounded by books and art supplies

My family supports me and wants me to succeed.

Curly haired girl with glasses and a backpack with her family cheering her on

Reflection Questions

  • How does Ana Júlia's family support her?
  • What grade is Ana Júlia in?
  • What things does Ana Júlia love to do?

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