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Клещ and the Tree Jump

Клещ was a little tick who lived in a big tree.

Small tick with a happy smile and tiny legs., small tick, and big tree

One day, Клещ's mama told him to jump from the tree onto a boy's shoulder.

Small tick with a happy smile and tiny legs.'s mama pointing and talking to him

Клещ was scared because the boy was very tall.

Small tick with a happy smile and tiny legs. looking up at the tall Tall boy with curly hair and friendly eyes.

But Клещ trusted his mama, so he took a deep breath and jumped.

Small tick with a happy smile and tiny legs. taking a deep breath and leaping

The boy felt something tickling his shoulder and started laughing.

The Tall boy with curly hair and friendly eyes. laughing with something on his shoulder

Клещ was happy that he made the boy laugh.

Small tick with a happy smile and tiny legs. with a big smile

From that day on, Клещ and the boy became best friends.

Small tick with a happy smile and tiny legs. and the Tall boy with curly hair and friendly eyes. holding hands, smiling

They played together every day and had lots of fun.

Small tick with a happy smile and tiny legs. and the Tall boy with curly hair and friendly eyes. playing and laughing

Клещ learned that sometimes taking a leap can lead to great adventures.

Small tick with a happy smile and tiny legs. jumping off the tree, excited

And he was grateful to his mama for helping him be brave.

Small tick with a happy smile and tiny legs. hugging his mama, showing gratitude

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