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Andrei's Dilemma

In a small town in Romania, a young man named Andrei just finished high school and got a score of 7 in his final exams. He is facing a major dilemma: should he go to college or get a job?

Curious young man, wearing glasses and a backpack thinking about college or job, question mark above his head

While struggling with this decision, Andrei discovers that learning doesn't only happen in formal settings. He starts exploring different opportunities to gain knowledge and skills outside of college.

Curious young man, wearing glasses and a backpack with a backpack, reading books in a library

Acting on his curiosity, Andrei becomes an apprentice at a local carpentry shop. He learns the art of woodworking and discovers his passion for creating beautiful furniture.

Curious young man, wearing glasses and a backpack wearing a carpenter's apron, working with tools

With determination and hard work, Andrei starts selling his creations online. People from all over the country admire his talent and buy his unique wooden furniture.

Curious young man, wearing glasses and a backpack smiling, surrounded by happy customers with furniture

As his business grows, Andrei realizes that he can make a living doing what he loves, without going to college. He learns that education comes in many forms and can lead to success.

Curious young man, wearing glasses and a backpack holding a diploma and a stack of money

Andrei's family and friends are proud of his achievements. They see how happy and fulfilled he is in his work. They support his decision and encourage him to continue learning and exploring.

Curious young man, wearing glasses and a backpack surrounded by loved ones, clapping and cheering

Andrei's story inspires other young people in his town to follow their passions and seek alternative paths to success. They learn that education and determination can lead to a fulfilling life.

Curious young man, wearing glasses and a backpack giving a motivational speech in front of a crowd

And so, Andrei's decision to pursue his passion and explore opportunities beyond college proves to be the right one. He shows that with dedication, anyone can achieve their dreams.

Curious young man, wearing glasses and a backpack standing on top of a mountain, arms up in victory

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