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Andrew and the Helping Animals

Andrew was a kind and caring boy who loved animals. Every day after school, he would go to the park to feed the ducks and play with the squirrels. He even built a small birdhouse in his backyard to give a home to the birds. Andrew always wanted to do more to help animals, but his mother's friends would constantly distract him.

What did Andrew like to do after school?

  • A) Play video games
  • B) Help animals
  • C) Watch movies
  • D) Read books
A kind and caring boy with brown hair and a big smile. playing with ducks and squirrels in a colorful park.

One day, when Andrew was walking home from school, he found a lost puppy wandering on the street. Andrew knew he had to help the little puppy find its home. But just as he was about to pick up the puppy, one of his mother's friends called him to come inside and watch television. Andrew felt sad because he really wanted to help the puppy.

What did Andrew find on the street?

  • A) A lost puppy
  • B) A banana peel
  • C) A toy car
  • D) A basketball
A kind and caring boy with brohawn ir and a big smile. finding a lost puppy on the street, with his mom's friend calling him.

But Andrew was determined to help the little puppy. He politely told his mother's friend that he needed to find the puppy's home first. With his mother's permission, Andrew carried the puppy in his arms and went door to door, asking if anyone recognized it. After several houses, they finally found the puppy's owner, who was very grateful for Andrew's help.

How did Andrew find the puppy's owner?

  • A) By asking people in the park
  • B) By going door to door
  • C) By calling the police
  • D) By searching on the internet
A kind and caring boy with brown hair and a big smile. carrying the puppy and knocking on doors to find its owner.

From that day on, Andrew's determination to help animals grew stronger. Even when his mother's friends tried to distract him, Andrew always found a way to stay focused on his mission. He started volunteering at the local animal shelter, helping to take care of abandoned cats and dogs. Andrew's devotion to helping animals inspired others in his community to join him, and together, they made the world a better place for animals.

Where did Andrew start volunteering?

  • A) Hospital
  • B) Supermarket
  • C) Animal shelter
  • D) School library
A kind and caring boy with brown hair and a big smile. helping abandoned cats and dogs at the local animal shelter.

Andrew's determination taught him an important lesson - that no matter what distractions come his way, he can always stay focused on his goals. His love for animals and his determination to help them made a positive impact on the world around him. Andrew became a true champion for animals, and his story inspired others to follow their passions and make a difference too.

What lesson did Andrew learn?

  • A) To stay focused on his goals
  • B) To never help others
  • C) To always watch television
  • D) To ignore his mother's friends
A kind and caring boy with brown hair and a big smile. surrounded by animals, representing his determination and love for them.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Andrew show his love for animals?
  • What distracted Andrew from helping animals?
  • What did Andrew learn from his determination?

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