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Angry Birds Stella: La Historia Willow

Willow was a pink bird with a big heart. She loved to help her friends.

Pink bird with a big heart, wears a purple bow, a pink bird who loves helping friends

But sometimes, Willow didn't feel confident. She thought she wasn't good enough.

Pink bird with a big heart, wears a purple bow feeling unsure of herself

One day, the pigs stole all of Stella's precious things. The flock needed help.

Green pigs with silly expressions, wearing helmets stealing Yellow bird with a crown and pink feathers's things, flock needs help

Willow decided to step up and save the day. She had a plan.

Pink bird with a big heart, wears a purple bow making a plan to save the day

With her friends by her side, Willow faced the pigs with confidence.

Pink bird with a big heart, wears a purple bow and friends confronting the pigs confidently

She used her unique abilities to outsmart them and get back Stella's things.

Pink bird with a big heart, wears a purple bow using her unique abilities to outsmart the pigs

Everyone was amazed by Willow's bravery and quick thinking.

Everyone amazed by Pink bird with a big heart, wears a purple bow's bravery and quick thinking

Willow realized that she was capable of anything she put her mind to.

Pink bird with a big heart, wears a purple bow realizing she is capable of anything

From that day on, Willow felt confident and never doubted herself again.

Pink bird with a big heart, wears a purple bow feeling confident and never doubting herself

She knew that with confidence, she could achieve anything!

Pink bird with a big heart, wears a purple bow knowing she can achieve anything with confidence

Reflection Questions

  • How did Willow feel at the beginning of the story?
  • What did Willow do to save Stella's things?
  • How did Willow feel at the end of the story?

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