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Animal's Adventure

Animal lived happily in the forest with friends.

Animal - brown fur, friendly eyes, big smile and friends playing in the forest

One day, Animal decided to explore the city.

Animal - brown fur, friendly eyes, big smile packing a bag, ready to go

In the city, Animal saw tall buildings and noisy cars.

Animal - brown fur, friendly eyes, big smile looking up at skyscrapers and cars

Animal felt lost and scared in the busy city.

Animal - brown fur, friendly eyes, big smile looking sad and confused on a crowded street

A kind lady found Animal and took care of them.

Animal - brown fur, friendly eyes, big smile happily with a kind lady

Animal learned the importance of responsibility.

Animal - brown fur, friendly eyes, big smile planting a tree and cleaning up litter

Animal thanked the lady and returned to the forest.

Animal - brown fur, friendly eyes, big smile saying goodbye to the kind lady

Back in the forest, Animal felt grateful and responsible.

Animal - brown fur, friendly eyes, big smile happily with friends in the forest

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Animal decide to explore the city?
  • What did Animal learn in the city?
  • How did Animal feel when they returned to the forest?

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