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Animal Adventures: Exploring the Wonders of Animal Groups
Aventuras con animales: explorando las maravillas de los grupos de animales
Welcome to the world of animals, where creatures big and small, Gather in groups, both short and tall. From the jungle to the ocean, from the forest to the plain, Let's explore the wonders of animal groups, in a fascinating domain! Bienvenido al mundo de los animales, donde las criaturas grandes y pequeñas se reúnen en grupos, tanto altos como bajos. De la jungla al océano, del bosque a la llanura, exploremos las maravillas de los grupos de animales, ¡en un dominio fascinante!
Animals gathering in different habitats, surrounded by nature
Chapter 1: Wild and Mighty Capítulo 1: Salvaje y poderoso
Animals in packs, prides, and herds roaming freely
In this chapter, we'll discover animals that roam, In packs, prides, and herds, they call it their home. From a pack of wolves with their fierce howl, To a herd of elephants, big and strong, they prowl. En este capítulo, descubriremos animales que deambulan, en manadas, manadas y manadas, lo llaman su hogar. Desde una manada de lobos con su aullido feroz, Hasta una manada de elefantes, grandes y fuertes, merodean.
Wolves howling together in the nighttime forest
Chapter 2: Feathered Friends Capítulo 2: Amigos Emplumados
Birds flying in the sky, singing and soaring
In the sky, birds gather, spreading their wings, Flocks and colonies, they soar and sing. A murmuration of starlings, a sight so grand, And a colony of penguins, huddled on land. En el cielo se reúnen los pájaros, extendiendo sus alas, Bandadas y colonias, se elevan y cantan. Un murmullo de estorninos, una vista tan grandiosa, Y una colonia de pingüinos, acurrucados en tierra.
Starlings forming a beautiful murmuration in the sunset
Chapter 3: Life Beneath the Sea Capítulo 3: La vida bajo el mar
Creatures swimming and playing in the ocean depths
Diving into the ocean, where creatures swim and play, In schools and pods, they find their own way. A school of fish, a dazzling sight to see, And a pod of dolphins, leaping with glee. Buceando en el océano, donde las criaturas nadan y juegan, en cardúmenes y manadas, encuentran su propio camino. Un banco de peces, una vista deslumbrante para ver, Y una manada de delfines, saltando de alegría.
A colorful coral reef with fish swimming and dolphins jumping

Reflection Questions

  • What are some examples of animal groups?
  • What can we learn from animals living in groups?
  • How does living in a group help animals stay safe?

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