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Animals and Humans: Friends on a Mars Mission

Animals and humans worked together on a mission to Mars.

Animals and humans working together on a mission

The animals included a brave dog named Rover.

Brave Brave dog in a spacesuit, with wagging tail, a dog with a spacesuit on

There was also a clever monkey named Sparkles.

Clever Clever monkey with a helmet and mischievous smile, a monkey with a helmet

A curious parrot named Polly joined the team too.

Curious Curious parrot with colorful feathers and talkative nature, a parrot with colorful feathers

The humans were led by a kind scientist named Dr. Green.

Kind Dr Green, a scientist wearing a lab coat

Rover sniffed out useful resources on Mars.

Brave dog in a spacesuit, with wagging tail sniffing and finding resources on Mars

Sparkles used her quick hands to fix spacecraft problems.

Clever monkey with a helmet and mischievous smile using her hands to fix spacecraft problems

Polly learned to communicate with Mars creatures.

Curious parrot with colorful feathers and talkative nature talking to creatures on Mars

The team became great friends during their mission.

The team of animals and humans as friends

Together, they explored new frontiers and made history.

The team exploring new frontiers and making history

Reflection Questions

  • How did Rover help the team on Mars?
  • What special skill did Sparkles have?
  • Who was the leader of the mission?

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