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Animals and Their Homes

One day, a curious boy named Jimmy asked his teacher, Ms. Smith, about different animals and where they live.

Boy talking to teacher about animals and habitats

Ms. Smith smiled and said, 'Animals have different homes called habitats. Let me tell you about a few!'

Teacher explaining habitats to boy

First, Ms. Smith told Jimmy about the polar bears. 'Polar bears live in the cold Arctic. Their thick fur keeps them warm in the icy water.'

Polar bear swimming in icy Arctic water

Next, she talked about the monkeys. 'Monkeys live in the hot and tropical rainforests. They swing from trees and eat yummy fruits.'

Monkey swinging from tree and eating fruits

Then, Ms. Smith told Jimmy about the dolphins. 'Dolphins live in the ocean. They swim together in big groups called pods.'

Dolphins swimming and jumping in the ocean

After that, Ms. Smith talked about the kangaroos. 'Kangaroos live in the vast and dry outback of Australia. They hop and carry their babies in a pouch.'

Kangaroo hopping in the Australian outback

Finally, she mentioned the penguins. 'Penguins live in cold places like Antarctica. They have feathers that help them swim and slide on ice.'

Penguins sliding and swimming on ice

Jimmy listened carefully and asked, 'How do animals know where to build their homes?'

Boy asking question with a puzzled expression

Ms. Smith smiled and answered, 'Animals have instincts and learn from their parents. They know the best places to find food and stay safe.'

Teacher smiling and explaining

Jimmy was amazed by all the new information. He promised to listen and learn about animals' habitats every day.

Boy looking excited and making a promise

Reflection Questions

  • Why do animals have different homes?
  • What is a habitat?
  • Why is it important to listen and learn about animals' habitats?

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