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Animals and Their Homes

In the dense jungle, the tiger lives in a cave.

Tiger in a cave, surrounded by tall trees

In the sparkling ocean, the dolphin swims with its friends.

Dolphin swimming happily with other Dolphin with gray skin, playful and friendlys, blue waves

In the vast savannah, the lion rests in the tall grass.

Lion taking a nap in golden grassland

In the cold Arctic, the polar bear hunts for fish on the ice.

Polar bear searching for food on snowy ground

In the dense forest, the owl sleeps in a hollow tree.

Owl peacefully sleeping inside a tree hole

In the high mountains, the goat climbs on steep cliffs.

Goat balancing on rocky cliffs, snowy peaks

In the deep desert, the camel walks across the sandy dunes.

Camel walking on sandy dunes under the hot sun

In the green fields, the rabbit digs burrows in the ground.

Rabbit digging a burrow in the grassy field

Reflection Questions

  • Where does the tiger live?
  • What color is the polar bear's fur?
  • Which animal digs burrows in the green fields?

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