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Anjana's Courage

Anjana was a loving and caring mother.

A kind and nurturing mother with a warm smile

She always put her son's needs above her own.

A selfless mother sacrificing for her son's happiness

When her son, Rahul, faced challenges, she stood by his side.

A strong mother offering support and encouragement

One day, Rahul was bullied at school.

A frightened boy being picked on by bullies

Anjana noticed Rahul's sadness and asked him what happened.

A concerned mother listening attentively to her son

Rahul didn't want to worry his mother, so he brushed it off.

A protective son hiding his pain to protect his mother

But Anjana could sense something was wrong.

A perceptive mother trusting her instincts

She decided to talk to Rahul's teacher about the bullying.

A determined mother advocating for her son's well-being

The teacher took Anjana's concern seriously and promised to address it.

A supportive teacher willing to take action against bullying

With her love and persistence, Anjana helped Rahul overcome the bullying.

A triumphant mother and son celebrating their victory

Reflection Questions

  • How did Anjana show her love for Rahul?
  • Why did Rahul try to hide his pain from his mother?
  • How did Anjana help Rahul overcome the bullying?

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