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Anna's First Plane Adventure

Anna was going on a plane for the first time.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with a backpack smiling, holding a boarding pass and suitcase

She arrived at the airport with her parents.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with a backpack, her parents, and a big airport sign

Anna listened carefully to the safety instructions.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with a backpack, sitting in a plane seat, listening attentively

She buckled her seatbelt and waited patiently.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with a backpack, sitting with a seatbelt on, looking out the window

Anna followed the flight attendant's directions.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with a backpack smiling, listening to the flight attendant, holding a tray

She helped her mom with their luggage.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with a backpack and her mom carrying suitcases together

Anna waved goodbye to the pilot at the end.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with a backpack waving to the pilot with a big smile

She felt proud of being responsible on her first plane ride.

Curly-haired girl in a pink dress with a backpack with a proud expression, holding her boarding pass

Reflection Questions

  • Why was Anna going on a plane for the first time?
  • What did Anna do to be responsible on the plane?
  • How do you think Anna felt at the end of the story?

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