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Anna's New Adventure

Anna was excited to start 4th grade.

Blonde girl with glasses and a big smile smiling and holding a backpack

She met new classmates and made friends.

Blonde girl with glasses and a big smile playing with a group of girls

Anna shared her lunch with a shy girl, Lily.

Blonde girl with glasses and a big smile and Shy girl with brown hair and kind eyes sitting together with food

They became best friends and learned together.

Blonde girl with glasses and a big smile and Shy girl with brown hair and kind eyes studying and high-fiving

Anna and Lily helped a boy, Max, with homework.

Blonde girl with glasses and a big smile, Shy girl with brown hair and kind eyes, and Energetic boy with messy hair and a backpack with books and pencils

Anna, Lily, and Max formed a study group.

Blonde girl with glasses and a big smile, Shy girl with brown hair and kind eyes, and Energetic boy with messy hair and a backpack with books and smiles

They laughed, played, and supported each other.

Blonde girl with glasses and a big smile, Shy girl with brown hair and kind eyes, and Energetic boy with messy hair and a backpack having fun and smiling

Anna learned that true friends bring happiness.

Blonde girl with glasses and a big smile surrounded by happy friends holding hands

Reflection Questions

  • What grade did Anna start?
  • Who did Anna become best friends with?
  • What did Anna learn about true friends?

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