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Ant and Grasshopper

Once upon a time, there was a long line of hardworking ants.

A line of ants marching, colors: brown, green

They were carrying food to their tiny ant hill.

Tiny brown ants, hardworking and determineds carrying food, colors: brown, green

Suddenly, a mischievous grasshopper appeared and started teasing them.

Mischievous green grasshopper laughing, colors: green

The ants ignored him and kept marching with determination.

Tiny brown ants, hardworking and determineds marching, colors: brown, green

But the grasshopper continued to mock them, hopping around playfully.

Mischievous green grasshopper hopping, colors: green

One brave ant confronted the grasshopper and said, 'We work together and help each other.'

Tiny brown ants, hardworking and determined talking to grasshopper, colors: brown, green

The grasshopper realized his mistake and apologized.

Mischievous green grasshopper apologizing, colors: green

From that day on, the grasshopper stopped teasing the hardworking ants.

Tiny brown ants, hardworking and determineds and grasshopper living peacefully, colors: brown, green

Reflection Questions

  • Why were the ants carrying food?
  • What did the grasshopper do when he realized his mistake?
  • What did the ants teach the grasshopper?

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