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Ant's Big Responsibility

Ant lived in a bustling anthill. Every day, Ant would join her fellow ants to gather food for the colony.

Ants walking in a line towards a food source

One day, Ant found a delicious piece of fruit. But instead of eating it all, she decided to take it back to the anthill and share with the others.

Ant holding a big piece of fruit, with other ants looking happy

As Ant walked back, she saw a caterpillar struggling to climb a tree. Ant decided to help. She gently carried the caterpillar to a safer spot.

Ant holding a caterpillar, with a tree in the background

When Ant finally reached the anthill, she shared her food with everyone. The ants were grateful and thanked her for being so responsible.

Ants gathered around and thanking Ant, with food being shared

Every day, Ant took on more responsibilities. She helped the elderly ants, guided lost ants, and protected the anthill.

Ant helping an elderly ant to walk, with others observing

One day, there was a big storm. The anthill got flooded, and the ants were in danger. Ant knew it was her responsibility to find a new safe home.

Ant trying to find a new home for the ants, with rain pouring down

After much searching, Ant found a safe hill for everyone. Together, they all moved to the new home, grateful for Ant's responsibility.

Ant leading other ants to a new home, with smiles on their faces

As the years went by, Ant became the leader of the colony. She taught all the younger ants the value of responsibility, just like she had learned.

Ant standing in front of a group of younger ants, giving them a lesson

And so, the ant colony thrived with everyone doing their part and being responsible. And it all started with one little ant named Ant.

Happy ants working together in the anthill

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Ant share her food with the other ants?
  • What did Ant do during the storm?
  • What lesson did Ant teach the younger ants?

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