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Ant's Journey to the City

Ant lived in a comfortable little anthill.

Small and hardworking ant with determination and curiosity. in front of green anthill with flowers

Ant dreamed of exploring the big city.

Small and hardworking ant with determination and curiosity. with a thought bubble of a city

Ant finally decided to leave his place.

Small and hardworking ant with determination and curiosity. packing a small bag

Ant walked patiently through the grass.

Small and hardworking ant with determination and curiosity. walking through tall green grass

Ant met friendly ladybugs along the way.

Small and hardworking ant with determination and curiosity. with ladybugs on colorful flowers

Ant saw buzzing bees gathering nectar.

Small and hardworking ant with determination and curiosity. watching bees near a big sunflower

Ant crossed a flowing river with dragonflies.

Small and hardworking ant with determination and curiosity. riding on a dragonfly over river

Ant climbed up tall leaves with tiny spiders.

Small and hardworking ant with determination and curiosity. climbing leaf with spiders spinning webs

Ant reached the city of other insects.

Small and hardworking ant with determination and curiosity. looking at a bustling insect city

Ant was filled with joy and excitement.

Small and hardworking ant with determination and curiosity. jumping with joy among other insects

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Ant want to explore the city?
  • Who did Ant meet along the way?
  • How did Ant feel when he reached the city?

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