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Ariel and Gates: A Tale of Friendship

Ariel had so much going on, she needed Gates.

Ariel - a kind and busy teenager, energetic and caring busy with lots to do

Gates was always there, ready to lend a hand.

Gates - a reliable and helpful friend, always supportive being helpful and supportive

Ariel relied on Gates when things got tough.

Ariel - a kind and busy teenager, energetic and caring turning to Gates - a reliable and helpful friend, always supportive for help

They were the best of friends, always there for each other.

Ariel - a kind and busy teenager, energetic and caring and Gates - a reliable and helpful friend, always supportive together, showing friendship

Gates helped Ariel with school projects and assignments.

Gates - a reliable and helpful friend, always supportive assisting Ariel - a kind and busy teenager, energetic and caring with schoolwork

Ariel and Gates spent weekends exploring and having fun.

Ariel - a kind and busy teenager, energetic and caring and Gates - a reliable and helpful friend, always supportive having adventures together

When Ariel felt down, Gates lifted her spirits.

Gates - a reliable and helpful friend, always supportive cheering up Ariel - a kind and busy teenager, energetic and caring when she's sad

No matter the distance, Ariel and Gates stayed connected.

Ariel - a kind and busy teenager, energetic and caring and Gates - a reliable and helpful friend, always supportive staying in touch always

Their friendship was like a lifeline through thick and thin.

Ariel - a kind and busy teenager, energetic and caring and Gates - a reliable and helpful friend, always supportive supporting each other

Ariel and Gates: a friendship that would last forever.

Ariel - a kind and busy teenager, energetic and caring and Gates - a reliable and helpful friend, always supportive as lifelong friends

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Ariel need Gates?
  • What did Gates do to help Ariel?
  • Why was their friendship important to Ariel and Gates?

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