Once upon a time, in a beautiful college town, there lived a young man named Arjun and a bright young woman named Priya. They were both students at the local college, and their story began one sunny afternoon in the library.
Arjun couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Priya - she was as graceful as a swan and as smart as an owl. He felt like time had stopped just for them.
Five days later, at 1 PM, Arjun gathered his courage and proposed to Priya. He was so happy when she said yes. Their love felt like magic.
But their families had different beliefs, and it wasn't easy. Together, they faced challenges and grew stronger. Their love won over everyone.
After seven years of love, understanding, and growth, Arjun and Priya are ready to get married on June 10, 2024. Their love is a beautiful example of unity in diversity.