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Art and the Animal Adventure

Art drove his dump truck through the forest.

A kind boy with red hair and a blue cap. driving a dump truck in a forest

He saw a baby deer stuck in a deep hole.

A kind boy with red hair and a blue cap. finding a A cute deer with golden brown fur. in a hole

Art used his dump truck to lift the deer out.

A kind boy with red hair and a blue cap. using his dump truck to help the deer

They became friends and explored more together.

A kind boy with red hair and a blue cap. and the deer exploring together

They found a bird with a broken wing.

A kind boy with red hair and a blue cap. finding a A colorful bird with a broken wing. with a broken wing

Art made a cozy nest and cared for the bird.

A kind boy with red hair and a blue cap. taking care of the A colorful bird with a broken wing. in a nest

They continued their adventure, helping more animals.

A kind boy with red hair and a blue cap. and the animals going on an adventure

Art felt happy knowing he made a difference.

A kind boy with red hair and a blue cap. feeling happy for making a difference

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