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Arturo Rodrigo's Lesson

Arturo Rodrigo was a disobedient boy who didn't listen to his mom.

Curly-haired boy with mischievous eyes, wears blue overalls not listening to his mom, chaos in the background

One day, a witch-like lady took him away and made him work on a ranch.

Curly-haired boy with mischievous eyes, wears blue overalls being taken away in a big bag by the witch-like lady

Arturo Rodrigo learned the importance of hard work and appreciation.

Curly-haired boy with mischievous eyes, wears blue overalls working on the ranch, realizing the value of things

He promised the witch that he would change his ways.

Curly-haired boy with mischievous eyes, wears blue overalls promising the witch to be a better person

The witch agreed and returned Arturo Rodrigo to his mom.

Curly-haired boy with mischievous eyes, wears blue overalls being dropped off in front of his home by the witch

Arturo Rodrigo became a good, considerate, and polite boy.

Curly-haired boy with mischievous eyes, wears blue overalls being kind and helpful to others

He learned to be grateful for what he had.

Curly-haired boy with mischievous eyes, wears blue overalls appreciating what he has

Arturo Rodrigo grew up to become a great and kind-hearted man.

Curly-haired boy with mischievous eyes, wears blue overalls as a successful and kind-hearted man

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