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Arwa and Her Grandparents

Arwa is a nice and polite girl, and she loves her grandparents.

Cute girl with a big smile, wearing colorful clothes and a bow with smiling grandparents, bright and warm colors

Arwa spent two days with her grandmother and grandfather.

Cute girl with a big smile, wearing colorful clothes and a bow playing with toys and eating delicious food

When the sun rises in the morning, Arwa wakes up in bed and says: 'Good morning, Grandma!'

Cute girl with a big smile, wearing colorful clothes and a bow smiling and stretching in bed, room filled with morning light

Her grandmother replies: 'Good morning, Arwa!'

Loving and kind woman with gray hair wearing glasses with a loving smile, wearing a cozy morning robe

In the afternoon when the sun is in the middle of the sky, her grandfather says: 'Good afternoon, Arwa!'

Cute girl with a big smile, wearing colorful clothes and a bow and grandpa playing outside on a sunny day, blue sky

Arwa happily replies: 'Good afternoon, Grandpa!'

Cute girl with a big smile, wearing colorful clothes and a bow laughing and hugging grandpa, wearing a cute summer outfit

When the sun starts to go down, Arwa says: 'Good evening, Grandma!'

Cute girl with a big smile, wearing colorful clothes and a bow and grandma reading a book together, warm sunset colors

Her grandmother replies: 'Good evening, Arwa!'

Loving and kind woman with gray hair wearing glasses with a gentle smile, wearing cozy evening clothes

When the sky becomes dark and she can see the moon and stars, her grandfather puts her in bed and says: 'Good night, Arwa!'

Cute girl with a big smile, wearing colorful clothes and a bow in bed under a starry sky, feeling safe and loved

Arwa softly replies: 'Good night, Grandpa!'

Cute girl with a big smile, wearing colorful clothes and a bow waving goodbye to grandpa, bedtime colors and cozy atmosphere

Reflection Questions

  • What are the names of Arwa's grandparents?
  • When does Arwa say 'Good evening, Grandma!'?
  • Who puts Arwa to bed and says 'Good night'?

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