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Ask and Santos

Ask is often sick, but he doesn't care

Lundehunden, black and white fur, curious and brave and Tervueren, brown fur and loving eyes, loyal friend walking together in the forest

His best friend Santos always stays by his side

Lundehunden, black and white fur, curious and brave and Tervueren, brown fur and loving eyes, loyal friend playing in the park

Ask doesn't let his pain stop him from having fun

Lundehunden, black and white fur, curious and brave and Tervueren, brown fur and loving eyes, loyal friend chasing a ball on the beach

They explore the world together, no matter what

Lundehunden, black and white fur, curious and brave and Tervueren, brown fur and loving eyes, loyal friend climbing a mountain

Ask is brave and strong, just like Santos

Lundehunden, black and white fur, curious and brave and Tervueren, brown fur and loving eyes, loyal friend standing proudly together

Ask and Santos's friendship is unbreakable

Lundehunden, black and white fur, curious and brave and Tervueren, brown fur and loving eyes, loyal friend cuddling together

They have fun and make memories every day

Lundehunden, black and white fur, curious and brave and Tervueren, brown fur and loving eyes, loyal friend laughing and playing in the snow

Ask and Santos's love for each other is endless

Lundehunden, black and white fur, curious and brave and Tervueren, brown fur and loving eyes, loyal friend hugging tightly

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