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Avah and Lainey Save Tamworth from Evil Turtle Steve

Avah and Lainey lived in a beautiful town called Tamworth. One day, they heard a rumor that an evil turtle named Steve was planning to take over Tamworth.

Sisters Smart and brave with curly hair and a red dress and Clever and kind with straight hair and a purple dress in Tamworth, green town with blue sky

Avah and Lainey knew they had to save their town. They packed their bags with snacks and their lucky charms, then set off on an adventure.

Smart and brave with curly hair and a red dress and Clever and kind with straight hair and a purple dress with bags and lucky charms, ready to go

They followed a trail that led them to a dark forest. In the forest, they encountered magical creatures like talking trees and flying squirrels, who offered them help along their journey.

Smart and brave with curly hair and a red dress and Clever and kind with straight hair and a purple dress with talking trees and flying squirrels in a magical forest

After days of traveling, Avah and Lainey finally reached Turtle Island, where Steve was hiding. They found him in a cave, surrounded by his evil minions.

Smart and brave with curly hair and a red dress and Clever and kind with straight hair and a purple dress facing evil turtle Evil turtle turned good with a green shell and a friendly smile in his cave

Using their quick thinking, Avah and Lainey distracted the minions while they devised a plan to defeat Steve. They worked together, using their cleverness and bravery.

Smart and brave with curly hair and a red dress and Clever and kind with straight hair and a purple dress outsmarting the evil minions with teamwork

Finally, Avah and Lainey confronted Steve. They knew they had to be smart and kind, so they used their words instead of fighting. They convinced Steve to change his ways and become a good turtle.

Smart and brave with curly hair and a red dress and Clever and kind with straight hair and a purple dress talking to Evil turtle turned good with a green shell and a friendly smile, convincing him to be good

With the power of friendship, Avah, Lainey, and Steve returned to Tamworth. The town celebrated their victory and everyone lived happily ever after.

Smart and brave with curly hair and a red dress, Clever and kind with straight hair and a purple dress, and Evil turtle turned good with a green shell and a friendly smile with the happy people of Tamworth

1. How did Avah and Lainey save Tamworth? 2. What did Avah and Lainey use to defeat the evil minions? 3. How did Avah and Lainey change Steve's behavior?

Social-emotional learning questions to improve understanding and empathy

Reflection Questions

  • How did Avah and Lainey show bravery and cleverness in the story?
  • How did Avah and Lainey use their words instead of fighting?
  • Why is it important to be kind and try to change someone's behavior?

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