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Axel Learns to Use the Potty

Axel was a little dinosaur who loved to play.

Axel the dinosaur playing happily in a meadow

But there was one thing Axel didn't know how to do.

Axel looking confused with a thinking bubble above his head

Every time Axel needed to go potty, he would have an accident.

Axel looking sad with a wet spot on the floor

Axel's friends tried to help him learn how to use the potty.

Axel's friends showing him how to use the potty

They showed him how to sit on the potty and push.

Axel sitting on a colorful potty with his friends beside him

But Axel felt scared and worried he would have another accident.

Axel sitting on the potty with a worried expression

His friends told him, 'You can do it, Axel! Believe in yourself!'

Axel's friends cheering him on with encouraging smiles

So Axel took a deep breath, believed in himself, and tried again.

Axel sitting on the potty with a determined look

And guess what? Axel used the potty all by himself!

Axel celebrating with a big smile and his friends clapping

Axel felt proud and confident that he learned how to use the potty.

Axel wearing a proud smile and standing next to a clean potty

Reflection Questions

  • How did Axel feel when he didn't know how to use the potty?
  • What did Axel's friends tell him?
  • How did Axel feel after he learned how to use the potty?

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