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Ayden and Granddaddy Jack's Wisdom

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Ayden. Ayden loved spending time with his wise granddaddy, Granddaddy Jack. Granddaddy Jack always said, 'Think, Ayden! Thinking helps you make good decisions.' Ayden heard this message throughout his life and now it was time for him to apply it.

Ayden is a boy with short brown hair and bright blue eyes and Granddaddy Jack is an older man with gray hair and wise brown eyes sitting on a rocking chair, talking and smiling together.

One day, Ayden found himself in a tricky situation. He was playing outside with his friends when they came across a broken birdhouse. Ayden's friends wanted to break it even more, but Ayden had to 'Think!' What should he do?

Ayden is a boy with short brown hair and bright blue eyes with his friends standing around a broken birdhouse, thinking.

Ayden remembered Granddaddy Jack's advice. He thought about the feelings of the birds that lived in the birdhouse. He imagined how sad they would be if their home got destroyed. Ayden decided to fix the birdhouse instead of breaking it further. This made him feel happy inside!

Ayden is a boy with short brown hair and bright blue eyes using a hammer and nails to fix the birdhouse, birds watching and chirping happily.

Another time, Ayden was at school during lunchtime. He saw his classmate, Lily, sitting all alone. Ayden knew it was important to 'Think!' What should he do?

Ayden is a boy with short brown hair and bright blue eyes sitting at a lunch table, looking at Lily sitting alone at another table.

Ayden remembered Granddaddy Jack's advice again. He thought about how he would feel if he were sitting alone. Ayden decided to invite Lily to sit with him and his friends. Lily's face lit up with joy, and they all had a great time together!

Ayden is a boy with short brown hair and bright blue eyes sitting with Lily and their friends, smiling and sharing lunch.

One more time, Ayden was going to the store with his mom. As they passed a candy aisle, Ayden saw a colorful bag of candy he really wanted. Ayden knew it was important to 'Think!' What should he do?

Ayden is a boy with short brown hair and bright blue eyes standing in the candy aisle, looking at the colorful bag of candy.

Ayden remembered Granddaddy Jack's advice once more. He thought about how his mom had told him they needed to save money. Ayden decided not to ask for the candy and instead, he saved his money for something special in the future. Ayden felt proud of his decision!

Ayden is a boy with short brown hair and bright blue eyes walking away from the candy aisle with a smile, holding onto his money.

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Ayden decide to fix the birdhouse?
  • What did Ayden do when he saw Lily sitting alone?
  • Why did Ayden save his money instead of buying the candy?

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