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Aydin's Patience

Aydin is excited for baby brother Adam to come home.

Curly-haired boy with a mischievous smile, wearing colorful clothes smiling, holding a picture of a baby

He helps Mama and Dada get ready for Adam's arrival.

Curly-haired boy with a mischievous smile, wearing colorful clothes picking up toys and putting them away

Aydin waits and waits for Adam to come home.

Curly-haired boy with a mischievous smile, wearing colorful clothes sitting on the couch anxiously looking out the window

He plays with his toys and paints pictures to pass the time.

Curly-haired boy with a mischievous smile, wearing colorful clothes happily playing with toy animals and painting

One day, Mama and Dada bring Adam home!

Curly-haired boy with a mischievous smile, wearing colorful clothes hugging Mama and Dada with Cute baby with chubby cheeks and bright blue eyes in a crib

Aydin loves holding Adam and making him laugh.

Curly-haired boy with a mischievous smile, wearing colorful clothes gently holding baby Cute baby with chubby cheeks and bright blue eyes and smiling

He teaches Adam how to play and wrestle.

Curly-haired boy with a mischievous smile, wearing colorful clothes and Cute baby with chubby cheeks and bright blue eyes playing and laughing together

Aydin is happy to be a big brother.

Curly-haired boy with a mischievous smile, wearing colorful clothes with a big smile, holding hands with Cute baby with chubby cheeks and bright blue eyes

He learns that good things come to those who wait.

Curly-haired boy with a mischievous smile, wearing colorful clothes looking patient and content

Aydin and Adam have many adventures together!

Curly-haired boy with a mischievous smile, wearing colorful clothes and Cute baby with chubby cheeks and bright blue eyes running and playing with animals

Reflection Questions

  • How did Aydin pass the time while waiting for Adam?
  • Who brought Adam home?
  • What did Aydin learn about waiting?

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