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Ayko's Adventure

Ayko was a friendly black and white cat.

Ayko sitting by a window, looking curious

His favorite boss, Mirthe, was missing.

Ayko looking worried, scratching at the door

Ayko decided to go on an adventure to look for Mirthe.

Ayko packing a small bag with cat toys

He met Obi, a tough tiger-pattern neighbor cat.

Ayko and Obi standing side by side, looking brave

Obi agreed to help Ayko find Mirthe.

Ayko and Obi shaking paws, showing teamwork

They also met Gray, an old lazy cat.

Ayko, Obi, and Gray napping together in a sunny spot

Gray decided to join their adventure too.

Ayko, Obi, and Gray walking side by side in tall grass

They searched everywhere but couldn't find Mirthe.

Ayko, Obi, and Gray looking disappointed in a forest

Suddenly, they heard a familiar giggle.

Ayko, Obi, and Gray looking excited, ears perked up

It was Mirthe, hiding behind a big tree!

Ayko, Obi, Gray, and Mirthe hugging each other

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