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Azhar and Asraf: The Hero and Villain

Once upon a time in Azharland, brave Azhar saved the day!

Brave hero in red cape with a sword in red cape, holding up sword triumphantly

But wait! Asraf, the sneaky villian, had a plan.

Sneaky villain in black cloak with an evil smirk in black cloak, with an evil smirk

Azhar and Asraf had an epic battle, fighting for justice.

Brave hero in red cape with a sword and Sneaky villain in black cloak with an evil smirk fighting, sparks flying everywhere

Asraf tried to trick Azhar, but Azhar was too smart.

Brave hero in red cape with a sword with a thinking pose, Sneaky villain in black cloak with an evil smirk sweating nervously

With courage and determination, Azhar defeated the evil Asraf.

Brave hero in red cape with a sword standing tall, with a proud smile

The people of Azharland cheered for their hero, Azhar!

People cheering, holding signs with Brave hero in red cape with a sword's name

Azhar promised to protect the land and keep it safe.

Brave hero in red cape with a sword raising hand, making a vow

Asraf realized he could change and be good too.

Sneaky villain in black cloak with an evil smirk with a thoughtful expression, looking at a book about goodness

Azhar forgave Asraf and they became friends forever.

Brave hero in red cape with a sword and Sneaky villain in black cloak with an evil smirk shaking hands, smiling happily

And so, Azhar and Asraf lived happily ever after.

Brave hero in red cape with a sword and Sneaky villain in black cloak with an evil smirk playing together, surrounded by rainbows

Reflection Questions

  • How did Azhar save the day?
  • What did Asraf try to do?
  • How did Azhar and Asraf become friends?

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