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Baby and the Yummy Milk

Baby drinks yummy milk from a bottle.

Happy baby drinking milk from a bottle

The milk is warm and tastes so good.

Cute and chubby with big curious eyes. smiling while drinking warm milk

Baby's tummy feels full and happy now.

Cute and chubby with big curious eyes. touching his full tummy happily

Mommy and daddy give baby more love.

Cute and chubby with big curious eyes. surrounded by loving mommy and daddy

Baby giggles and plays with mommy and daddy.

Cute and chubby with big curious eyes. playing happily with mommy and daddy

Baby grows big and strong from the milk.

Cute and chubby with big curious eyes. getting taller and stronger from the milk

Every day, baby drinks yummy milk.

Happy baby drinking milk every day

Baby and milk are the best friends forever.

Cute and chubby with big curious eyes. and milk hugging happily as friends

Reflection Questions

  • Why does baby like drinking milk?
  • Who gives baby more love?
  • What makes baby grow big and strong?

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