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Baby Boy and His Colorful Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a baby boy named Sammy.

Baby boy lying on a colorful blanket, smiling

Sammy loved bright colors and always wore a colorful hat.

Baby boy with curly blonde hair, wearing a colorful hat wearing a red hat with yellow stripes

One day, Sammy decided to go on a colorful adventure.

Baby boy with curly blonde hair, wearing a colorful hat standing at the entrance of a colorful cave

He entered a cave and discovered a magical room full of colors.

Baby boy with curly blonde hair, wearing a colorful hat in a room with walls covered in rainbows

Each color had a special power, and Sammy wanted to try them all.

Baby boy with curly blonde hair, wearing a colorful hat holding a blue object that glows

He touched the blue color and instantly started flying in the sky.

Baby boy with curly blonde hair, wearing a colorful hat flying in the sky surrounded by blue clouds

Sammy had so much fun exploring all the colors and their powers.

Baby boy with curly blonde hair, wearing a colorful hat surrounded by a rainbow of colors, laughing

At the end of his colorful adventure, Sammy returned home with a heart full of joy.

Baby boy with curly blonde hair, wearing a colorful hat hugging his parents, wearing a rainbow cape

Reflection Questions

  • How did Sammy feel when he saw the colorful cave?
  • What was Sammy's favorite color?
  • What did Sammy learn from his colorful adventure?

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