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Baby Boy's Big Adventure

Baby Boy decided to leave his cozy home and explore the world.

Adorable baby with curly hair and bright blue eyes crawling out of his little crib

He saw a big tree and wondered how to climb it.

Adorable baby with curly hair and bright blue eyes gazing up at a tall tree

He noticed a squirrel jumping from branch to branch.

Adorable baby with curly hair and bright blue eyes watching a squirrel in action

He thought of using a ladder to reach the top.

Adorable baby with curly hair and bright blue eyes imagining himself climbing a ladder

But he had no ladder, so he made one with sticks.

Adorable baby with curly hair and bright blue eyes assembling a stick ladder

He climbed up and saw a beautiful bird's nest.

Adorable baby with curly hair and bright blue eyes peeking at a colorful bird's nest

He wondered how to get down safely.

Adorable baby with curly hair and bright blue eyes pondering his descent from the tree

He decided to slide down using his makeshift ladder.

Adorable baby with curly hair and bright blue eyes sliding down the stick ladder

Reflection Questions

  • What made Baby Boy want to leave his home?
  • How did Baby Boy solve the problem of climbing the tree?
  • What did Baby Boy find at the top of the tree?

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